What are fundamentals of disaster management ?
EM Newsdesk

Disasters are becoming more frequent and fatal. The increasing population ,spreading settlements in new areas ,increasing human movement, increased exploitation of natural resources and increased alteration of earths top layer because of anthropogenic activities are major factors for rising frequency of disasters.

It becomes pertinent that we remain prepared for this emerging situation. Every person in this world must be familiar with theory and practice of disaster management. Normally, emergency management is also used in place of disaster management.

Mrs JD Pandey, Editor of Emergency Manager magazine, says "The aim of Emergency Manager magazine is to create enabling environment so that every person in this world knows the theory and practices of emergency management or disaster management. Emergency Manager will regularly publish articles on the theory of disaster management so that our readers can apply these in actual disasters and emergencies. Let us learn the theory of disaster management."

To understand the disaster management first we need to understand the fundamentals of disaster management. The fundamentals of disaster management include the following key principles:

1- Risk Assessment: This involves identifying and assessing potential hazards and vulnerabilities, and analysing their potential impact on people, property, and the environment.

2- Risk reduction and prevention: This involves identifying potential hazards and implementing measures to minimize the likelihood of a disaster occurring. This can include enforcing building codes, improving infrastructure, and educating the public about disaster preparedness.

3- Planning : This involves developing emergency plans, policies, procedures, and protocols for responding to disasters, and ensuring that personnel, equipment, and supplies are in place and ready to be deployed in the event of an emergency.

4- Preparedness: This involves developing emergency plans, conducting drills and exercises, and stockpiling supplies and equipment to ensure that people and organizations are ready to respond to a disaster.

5- Response: This involves the immediate actions taken to save lives, reduce damage, and meet the basic needs of people affected by a disaster. This can include search and rescue operations, providing medical care, and distributing food, water, and other essential supplies.

6- Recovery: This involves the activities undertaken to rebuild and restore the affected community after a disaster. This can include repairing damaged infrastructure, providing financial assistance to affected individuals and businesses, and offering counselling and support services to those affected.

7- Coordination and collaboration: Effective disaster management requires collaboration and coordination among different agencies and organizations, as well as active participation from the public. By working together, communities can better prepare for and respond to disasters, and minimize their impact on people and property.

8- Early Warning : This involves establishing effective communication channels and warning systems to alert people about impending disasters, and providing timely and accurate information to help them make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.

9- Communication: Clear and timely communication is critical during all phases of disaster management. This includes informing the public about potential hazards, providing updates on the situation, and communicating instructions and advice on how to stay safe.

10- Continuous improvement: Disaster management is an ongoing process, and it is important to continually evaluate and improve emergency plans and procedures based on lessons learned from past disasters and new information or technologies.

11- Capacity Building: This involves developing the capacity of individuals, communities, and organizations to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters, through training, education, and awareness-raising initiatives.


Effective disaster management requires a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach, involving coordination and collaboration among different agencies, organizations, and stakeholders, as well as active participation from the public.

(by Dr Deepak Pandey)

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